The Best of Select: Games 13
The Best of Select: Games 13.iso
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Hangman, Children's Hangman
It is important that your current version number is on all
correspondence. The program archive consists of:
HANGMAN.EXE.............Regular Hangman program
HANGMAN2.EXE............Party version of Hangman
CHANGMAN.EXE............Children's version of Hangman
HANGMAN.DOC.............Program documentation
HANGMAN2.DOC............Party version documentation
HANGMAN.LST.............Words for regular hangman
CHANGMAN.LST............Words for children's version
HANG.BAT................Sample batch file
HANG2.BAT...............Sample batch file
READ.ME.................Update file
FILE_ID.DIZ.............BBS description file
HUCKABEY.TXT............Current list of James Huckabey
ARCHIVE.TXT.............This list of files
See HUCKABEY.TXT for details on getting a copy of all my
Children's Hangman, Regular Hangman
These two programs run exactly the same and the Children's
version has slightly different Heckler sayings. The default
dictionary for Hangman (HANGMAN.EXE) is HANGMAN.LST and
Children's Hangman (CHANGMAN.EXE) default is CHANGMAN.LST. If the
dictionaries are not found the programs abort. Starting with
version 6.0 the dictionaries are no longer internal to the
program. These files must be in the current directory unless you
are specifying you own list(s).
To create your own dictionary you need an editor or word
processor that can read and write ASCII files (DOS text files).
It is preferred that you enter the words in uppercase only. The
program converts all entries to uppercase and in alphabetical
order (displays look better). Enter your words one to each line.
No punctuation can be used in any of the words and the length
limit is 16 characters. The list can be up to 500 words long.
You can use more than one list of words and they can be
called anything that you want. Please do not change or rename the
default files (HANGMAN.LST and CHANGMAN.LST).
Here is how to construct two different kinds of batch files
for running the program. The first example (included in the
archive) is to run any text file. Our example is called HANG.BAT:
Echo Off ;Turn echo to screen off
C: ;Get to the correct drive
Cd \Education\Hangman ;change into proper directory
Hangman %1 ;%1 here means any filename
CD \ ;change to the root directory
on exit
%1 means that you can type in any file name. Example:
This would start Hangman and load in a text file called
This would start Hangman and load in a text file called
This would start Hangman and load in the default dictionary
named HANGMAN.LST. If there is no command line entry the %1 is
Our second batch file loads the same file each time it is
run. It is called HANG2.BAT;
Echo Off ;Turn echo to screen off
C: ;Get to the correct drive
CD \EDUCATION\HANGMAN ;Change into proper directory
HANGMAN NEW.LST ;Start and load dictionary
CD \ ;Change to the root directory
on Exit
These types of batch files can be duplicated for each person
or child and be named for that child or person. This way you and
your children only have to know how to type in your/their name to
run the program.
You can also make a batch file to run just the program with
the default dictionary:
Echo Off ;Turn echo to screen off
C: ;Get to the correct drive
CD \EDUCATION\HANGMAN ;Change into proper directory
HANGMAN ;Start with default dictionary
CD \ ;Change to the root directory
on Exit
These can be repeated for either versions of the program.
Playing the Game
To start the program type in either HANGMAN or CHANGMAN and
press <ENTER>. The screen Displays the same menu only the title
is different:
║ Hangman Options Menu ║
║ ║
║ <A> New/First Game <F> Erase Top Ten ║
║ ║
║ <B> New Player <G> Help/Information ║
║ ║
║ <C> Continue Game <H> Turn Sound ON/OFF ║
║ ║
║ <D> View Words Tried <I> Exit The Program ║
║ ║
║ <E> View Top Ten ║
║ ║
║ Press Choice <A-I> ║
software with a heart
Press choice <A> to <I>. You cannot continue a game if you
have not started a game and aborted play. You cannot view scores
when the are none to display.
<A> New/First Game
Pressing <A> or <ENTER> starts a game. The first step on the
first game is to get your name. If you do not enter your name the
program picks one of thirty random names (male and female, even
Hey You). Any letter can be typed in from the keyboard to erase
press <BACKSPACE> and when finished press <ENTER>.
At the top of the play screen the program keeps track of how
many words you have tried and gives you your percentage of
correct ones. There are nearly 500 words in Hangman and 100 in
Children's Hangman. Each word is displayed only once and if you
should try all words the program starts over. This same procedure
is used if you use your own lists. The words are picked in random
order. Each time you run the program they are in a different
The letters tried, but not used, are displayed down the
upper right side. At the bottom of the screen is a row of dashes
that represent the number of letters in the word(s). If you press
'E' and there are two or more Es in the word they are all
displayed. The letters found can only be entered once. Letters
not found can be entered more than one time and each time counts
as a miss. Remember you have only 11 misses before you are hung.
After you spell the word or are hung, the screen displays:
Press Choice: <W>ord, <M>enu, <S>ound ON/OFF
When you press <M> for menu the game ends and you are shown
your current score and then returned to the menu. If you use this
option you cannot restart the game. You current score if it is
greater than position number 10 is added to the score file. You
must have 50% or better to get into the Hangman Top Ten and the
number of words tried must be higher than the tenth entry.
If you press <ESCAPE>/<ESC> during game play this is the
abort option. Aborted programs can be continued from the Options
Pressing <W> displays the next word. Should you go through
all the words and continue playing the program starts over
displaying words in a different order.
Pressing <S> turns the sound OFF if on or ON if off. Same as
the Options Menu choice <H>.
<B> New Player
Pressing <B> takes you to the name entry routine.
<C> Continue Game
Pressing <C> will restart an aborted game. If you press
<ESC> during the play you exit the current game. Pressing <C>
lets you restart it.
<D> View Words Tried
Pressing <D> lets you display the words that you have tried
during the current game. This is true even if you have quit the
current game (pressed <M> to exit).
<E> View Top Ten
Pressing <E> displays the Hangman Top Ten that is stored on
the hard drive or diskette drive.
<F> Erase Top Ten
Pressing <F> prompts you for a 'Y' to confirm the deletion
of the current Top Ten. It is suggested that you do this from
time to time when the scores start getting pretty high. If you
are instructing your children you should warn them about not
using this option unless they really know what they are doing.
<G> Help/Information
Pressing <G> displays the author information and then the
two help screens, which only highlight information. The program
is pretty straight forward.
<H> Turn Sound ON/OFF
Pressing <H> turns the sound ON and OFF. If the sound is ON
the menu displays <H> Turn Sound OFF and if OFF the menu displays
<H> Turn Sound ON. The program default is sound OFF. This option
was added for those people who do not their computer to make any
noise or are using the program at work and they do not want their
boss to know it. (grin)
<I> Exit The Program
Pressing <I> exits (terminates) the program.
Your Contribution
Please send your contribution, $10 is suggested for the
Hangman series, which includes Hangman, Children's Hangman and
Hangman Two. Please include your name, address, version number,
diskette size and info on where you received your copy of the
program (friend, BBS download, Software Library, etc.) and send
to the following:
James Huckabey
3621-A Fraser Street
Bellingham, WA 98226-2473 U.S.A.
(360) 671-2868
I would also enjoy just hearing your likes and dislikes
about any of my programs. I am open to suggestions on how our
programs might be improved. All suggestions are evaluated.
If you are having program problems, you may be running an
altered and/or non-authorized version. Please send a note along
with the version number and the problem you are experiencing.
Please include a self addressed stamped envelope if you expect a
reply. There are no exceptions.
Please give complete details, printouts, screen dumps, etc.
You can make notes directly on printouts showing problems or
suggestions. Thank you.
In no event will the Author be liable to you for any
damages, including any lost profits, lost savings, or other
incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of or
inability to use the program or unfamiliarity of the user with
DOS, even if the Author has been advised of the possibility of
such damages, or for any claim by any other party. If you use
these programs you agree to these terms.